Welcome to New Shareholder’s Orientation, the gateway to servanthood at Global Impact Christian Ministries. As Shareholders of GICM, the classes will allow you to adapt to the culture and customs of our cutting-edge environment. As Disciples of Christ, the classes will assist you in developing a deeper relationship with Christ.
Participants in each class are from different backgrounds and varied levels of spirituality; therefore, each person’s point of view and statements must be respected. Each class will be conducted with integrity and decency so that all who attend can receive the full benefit of the information being taught. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or a problem arises, please inform the New Shareholder team immediately. Additionally, please communicate any concerns you may have about any part of this process to the New Shareholder team.
Class Attendance and Participation
Sign In: Attendance is very important; therefore, please remember to sign in upon arrival.
Class Material: Each participant will be provided a New Shareholder’s manual upon attending class. (All scriptures listed in the manual are derived from the King James Version unless otherwise stated.) You are free to take notes inside the manual.
Class conduct:
- Cell phones must be on mute or off.
- Respect other’s opinions and statements.
- 5 Sections
- 21 Lessons
- 10 Weeks
- Section1: The Culture of GICM6
- Section 2: SALVATION6
- Section 3: GIVING7
- Section 4: SERVANTHOOD3
- Appendix1